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Source language
Duits Aphorisme 50
Tritt aus dem Schatten hervor ans Licht,
so dass wir dich sehen können.
Fransösisch aus Frankreich

Vertalings gedaan
Engels Aphorisme 50
Frans Aphorisme 50
Russies афоризм 50
Italiaans Aphorisme 50
Spaans Pasa de la sombra a la luz...
Serwies Афоризам 50
Kroasies Aforizmi 50
Source language
Duits Aphorisme 60
Wenn dein Herz schlägt,
wenn du an dein Zuhause denkst,
ist es dein Zuhause:
Fransösisch aus Frankreich

Vertalings gedaan
Engels Aphorism 60
Frans Aphorisme 60
Russies афоризм 60
Italiaans Aforisma 60
Spaans Aforismo 60
Kroasies Aforizmi 60
Source language
Engels Casablanca movie quote
Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon and for the rest of your life.
This is a quote from the movie Casablanca.

Vertalings gedaan
Turks Casablanca filminden
Spaans Tal vez no hoy, tal vez no mañana, ...
Russies Casablanca
12Source language12
Italiaans L'essenza della vita dell'uomo
Ciascuno è
perché è stato.
Ciascuno sarà
perché è.
Questa è una brevissima poesia composta da me stesso. Cortesemente, potreste tradurre anche il titolo?

Vertalings gedaan
Engels Essence of human life
Frans L'essence de la vie de l'homme
Spaans La esencia de la vida del hombre
Hongaars Az ember életének lényege
Russies Сущность человеческой жизни
Portugees A essência da vida do Homem.
Source language
Engels Aphorism 17
To assume responsibility
means to participate and to create.
It is fun.

Vertalings gedaan
Frans Aphorisme 17
Italiaans Aphorism 17
Russies Афоризм 17
Spaans Asumir la responsibilidad...
Kroasies Preuzeti odgovornost
Source language
Engels A lion was wandering through the jungle asking...
A lion was wandering through the jungle asking all the animals he met, "Who is the King of a Jungle?". They all answered, "You are, of course". He felt very pleased with himself when he saw an elephant sleeping under a tree. The lion pushed him and asked, "Who is the King of a Jungle?"

Vertalings gedaan
Russies Король Джунглей
Source language
Deens cars!
¨hej - ved du hvad afgift ca er ? jeg har lige fået skadet min egen A6 så er på udkik efter en ny

Vertalings gedaan
Engels Cars!
Russies авто
Letties Auto!
Source language
Russies Победа тебе суждена, если победу захочешь
Победа тебе суждена, если победу захочешь
Смысл фразы сводится к тому, что успех человека зависит от его желания добиться успеха.

Vertalings gedaan
Engels you are fated to win....
Spaans Obtendras la victoria si la quieres.
Arabies سوف يكتب لك الفوز
Turks EÄŸer kazanmak istiyorsan,
Italiaans La Vittoria e' destinata a te se vorrai vincere
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Hebreeus עמ 'שראל חי
עמ 'שראל חי

Vertalings gedaan
Engels Israel's people are alive
Russies Израильтяне живы
Source language
Italiaans Arrivò al tempo di guerra dalle onde toccando...
Arrivò al tempo di guerra
dalle onde toccando la terra
lui sbarcò e tutti videro la sua umanità.
Lei guardò quegli occhi sognanti
così vivi così penetranti
e di colpo lo amò
Si sentì spuntare le ali
quando infine le strinse le mani
lei senti nello stomaco
uno sfarfallio.
Quella notte bagnò la felicità
di caldissime lacrime
che lasciò cadere in mare
ed aggiunse sale al sale
Eros Ramazzotti Piccola pietra

Vertalings gedaan
Russies Он пришёл во время войны
Source language
Italiaans Se ne andò col suo carico rinunciando a lei. ...
Se ne andò col suo carico rinunciando a lei.
Quella notte si alzò fino al cielo
tutto il fiato che lei cavò

Vertalings gedaan
Russies Он ушёл, оставив ей свой груз
Source language
Engels Agriculture to power GDP growth in 2008
Agriculture to power GDP growth in 2008

Vertalings gedaan
Russies сельское хозяйство
10Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".10
Turks Sonunu görmeden karşılıksız çok zor.Adını...
Sonunu görmeden karşılıksız çok zor.Adını istersen koy yada yüreksiz git.

Vertalings gedaan
Engels unrequited love
Portugees Amor não correspondido
Russies любовь без взаимности
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